Collection: Benefits of refurbished laptop

Saving the Environment and Your Wallet:
The Benefits of Refurbished Laptops


As the world becomes more dependent on technology, electronic waste continues to be a growing problem. The constant need for new gadgets and devices creates a significant environmental impact that will be felt for generations to come. Fortunately, there is no shortage of solutions that can reduce waste, save money, and still provide access to the technology we need.

Buying refurbished laptops is just one of the simple ways of helping the environment. This is a smart and eco-friendly choice for anyone looking to upgrade their electronics without contributing to the -waste problem. We explore the many benefits of refurbished laptops,including their positive effects on the environment, and why choosing a refurbished laptop could be the perfect and green choice for you.

By the numbers:

According to a report by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), producing a new laptop requires approximately 1,000 times more water and produces 50 times more greenhouse gasses than refurbishing an older laptop.

According to an EPA report, it is estimated that recycling one million laptops saves the energy equivalent to the electricity used by 3,657 homes in the United States each year.

The StEP Initiative estimates that extending the life of a computer by just one year reduces its carbon footprint by 30%.

A study by the Electronics Reuse and Recycling Alliance (TERRA) found that refurbishing and reselling laptops saved 3.3 billion pounds of CO2 emissions in 2018.

According to a report by Greenpeace, extending the life of a laptop by one year can save 127 kg of carbon emissions, 10,000 liters of water, and 22 kg of chemicals.

"Refurbished products can save between 30% and 99% of the CO2 emissions generated during production compared to new products. Moreover, refurbishing one laptop instead of producing a new one saves 20 kg of CO2 emissions, 1800 MJ of energy, 23 kg of water, and 8 kg of materials." from a report by the United Nations University (UNU) titled "The Global E-waste Monitor 2020"

A study by the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology found that refurbishing a laptop instead of manufacturing a new one can save up to 70% in energy consumption, 67% in water consumption, and 54% in greenhouse gas emissions

Materials Device - Percentage less impact than brand new
Smartphones Tablets Laptops Desktops Overall percentage less impact than brand new
CO2e 91.6% 88.135% 88.992% 89.778% 89.6%
Raw materials 91.3% 99.247% 95.887% 89.777% 94.1%
Water 86.4% 99.976% 97.335% 98.073% 94.5%
E-Waste 89.0% 83.315% 98.448% 99.687% 92.6%

Changing consumer attitudes toward buying refurbished

A survey conducted by the Consumer Technology Association found that 68% of consumers purchased refurbished electronics in 2020, up from 56% in 2019. This suggests that consumers are increasingly willing to consider used electronics as a viable option, including laptops. And with the rising prices of new tech, purchasing refurbished laptops seems to be a good idea.Refurbished laptops are becoming increasingly popular as consumers become more environmentally conscious for a number of reasons.


Refurbished laptops provide an eco-friendly alternative to buying new electronics. As mentioned earlier, producing a new laptop requires a significant amount of resources, such as water, energy, and raw materials, which can have a negative impact on the environment. By choosing to purchase a refurbished laptop instead, consumers can help reduce the amount of e-waste that ends up in landfills and save valuable resources.


Refurbished laptops are often more affordable than comparable new models, which is a major selling point for many consumers.Refurbished laptops are typically available for less money than equivalent new machines, making them potentially more accessible to buyers on a limited budget. This is especially important since many people may not be able to afford the high cost of a new laptop, which is increasingly vital for work and study


The numerous technological developments and refurbishment procedures that have occurred in recent years have played a significant role in the emergence of reconditioned laptops. Refurbished laptops may now compete favorably with brand-new laptops thanks to advancements that have allowed them to achieve previously unheard-of levels of performance and dependability. For customers searching for a high-quality laptop that won't break the budget and who also worries about minimizing their environmental effects, this is fantastic news.

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Refurbishment of devices typically happens inFrance

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Devices are typically supplied fromEurope

operations refurbished devices might undergo

  1. Cleaning
  2. Change of spare parts
  • RAM replacement
  • Screen replacement
  • Battery replacement
  • Hard-disk replacement

 Note: this study did not include the analysis of monitors, keyboards, and mice.

Why buy refurbished laptops?

Savings: Refurbished laptops are sometimes more economical than new laptops since they are generally offered at a lesser price. effect on the environment: The production of used laptops helps to lessen electronic waste and the environmental effect associated with generating new one

Refurbished laptops go through a thorough refurbishment process to make sure they fulfill strict quality and reliability requirements. Many reconditioned laptops even include warranties, providing customers with additional security.

Performance: Thanks to technological developments and refurbishment procedures, refurbished laptops may have a performance that is comparable to that of brand-new laptops.

Access to previous models: With refurbished laptops, customers have additional alternatives since they may access older laptop models that may no longer be purchased brand-new.

Laptop Waste – Dangers to the Environment

Supply and demand. The ever-increasing production of laptops is contributing to the mounting e-waste problem and having a significant environmental impact. The hazardous chemicals and components present in laptops make proper disposal crucial.

A prime example of this is the laptop's battery, which poses a threat to the environment and wildlife if not disposed of correctly. Despite this, many businesses fail to acknowledge the impact of incorrect e-waste disposal and the resultant exacerbation of the current climate crisis.

Laptops, like other electronic devices, contain several hazardous chemicals and components that can be released into the environment if not disposed of properly. It can release several dangerous chemicals and components into the environment if not disposed of properly. Some of these include:

  1. Lead: Laptops' circuit boards and solder may contain lead, which, if not disposed of correctly, can leach into the environment. Lead is a poisonous chemical that may result in neurological diseases, brain damage, and developmental delays.
  2. Mercury: The flat-screen screens or backlight bulbs of some laptops may contain mercury. Mercury is a poisonous chemical that can harm the nervous system, kidneys, and brain.
  3. Cadmium: The rechargeable batteries in laptops may contain cadmium. A poisonous chemical known as cadmium can harm the kidneys and cause cancer.
  4. Chemicals known as brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are used to make electronics such as laptops and other gadgets flame-resistant. However, if they are released into the air, they might be hazardous to both the environment and human health.
  5. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): When burnt, PVC, a material that is used in some computers, can produce hazardous chemicals.

Proper disposal of laptops is crucial to prevent these dangerous chemicals and components from polluting the environment. Recycling laptops through certified e-waste recycling programs can help to ensure that these hazardous materials are handled and disposed of safely.

Buying Refurbished is a Vote for Green

By choosing a refurbished laptop, you are contributing to the reduction of e-waste and the conservation of natural resources. According to recent statistics, the global e-waste problem is expected to reach over 74 million tons by 2030, and by purchasing refurbished electronics, we can help alleviate this problem.

Choosing a refurbished laptop can save you up to 50% compared to buying a brand-new one, without sacrificing quality or performance. It's time to start making responsible choices and investing in a sustainable future, while also enjoying the economic benefits of refurbished technology.

Buying a refurbished laptop is not only a smart financial decision but also an eco-friendly one. By choosing to purchase a refurbished laptop, you are helping to reduce the amount of e-waste and toxic chemicals that are released into the environment, which in turn helps to protect our planet.

Refurbished laptops now provide comparable performance and dependability to new laptops because of technological advancements and improvements in the refurbishment process. Additionally, purchasing used laptops may sometimes be considerably more economical, which can be a significant consideration for people on a limited budget. Consider the advantages of purchasing a refurbished laptop the next time you contemplate changing your laptop for the sake of the environment, your pocketbook, and your general happiness.